
Four Pillars of Board of Directors Effectiveness

As the complexity of boards and business continues to grow the need to know how to ensure the best governance becomes more important. This guide will help you understand the fundamental pillars to a successful board of directors:

1. Board members are aware of their responsibilities and have the resources they require to be successful in their job.

Every director should be clear about what is expected of them as members of the board and how their contributions help the company attain its strategic goals and its mission. This clarity should be expressed in the processes for director selection and refreshment of the board as well for succession planning. Having a board administrator (or an experienced member of the management team) who is committed to assisting with these responsibilities is essential.

2. The board reviews its own performance as well as the structures of other boards with which it works.

A regular board evaluation allows the board to assess its performance against benchmarks in various areas, such as risk and strategy as well as financial oversight, diversity, and inclusion. This can help the board identify skill gaps and formulate a plan to address these.

3. Board members constantly seek new perspectives and insights from various sources.

Every director should be prepared to engage and discuss issues with – instead of just listening to presentations from management, independent advisors and employees as part of the board’s duties. Boards that can effectively elicit diverse perspectives, including those of minorities and women, will increase innovation and reduce blind spots.